At Bitwave I have the role as a level designer and as a part of that position I do everything from early drafts of levels using gray boxes to create a draft of a concept that included create secrets such as placements for collectables and "treasure" rooms. challenges through puzzles, enemies and environments and how to lead the player through the level using camera bounds, mechanics and other visual aid.

But I also did a lot of testing with our mechanics and how they interacted with each other and other environmental actors, often looking for bugs and unintentional reactions between them. Some of these mechanics were made by me as well as I did some scripting as a part of my position at Bitwave.

All in all I worked within a broad spectrum of design and often worked closely with my design lead, getting feedback and taking notes was a weekly activity for me which helped me grow much within level design.

My work at BITWAVE is still under NDA and as such, I can't show any imagery or go into deeper detail on my work there.